中国达人秀 (zhōngguó dárénxiù)
China’s Got Talent, has created the Chinese word 达人 (dárén). The word now refers to an expert.
达人(dárén): an expert or someone who is outstanding in a specified field.
舞蹈达人 (wǔdǎo dárén) Dancing Talent
Chéng wéi wǔdǎo dárén hěn kùnnan.
成 为 舞蹈 达人 很 困难。
To be a dancing talent is very difficult.
时尚达人 (shíshàng dárén) Fashion Expert
Tā xiǎng chéng wéi yí wèi shíshàng dárén.
她 想 成 为 一 位 时尚 达人。
She wants become a fashion expert.
你 是 什么 达人?
What is your talent?