春节 chūn jié


农历年的å²é¦–称为春节,是中国人最隆é‡çš„传统节日,也是象å¾å›¢ç»“ã€å…´æ—ºï¼Œå¯¹æœªæ¥å¯„托新希望的佳节。春节期间的庆ç¥æ´»åŠ¨æžä¸ºä¸°å¯Œå¤šæ ·ï¼Œæœ‰èˆžç‹®ã€èˆžé¾™ã€è¸©é«˜è··ã€åƒå¹´ç³•ã€æ”¾éž­ç‚®ç­‰ã€‚
The beginnning of the Chinese Lunar New Year, known as Spring Festival, is the most elaborate and important festival for Chinese people. It symbolizes unity, prosperity, joy, and new hope for the future. During the Spring Festival, the celebrations and activites are quite diverse and include the lion and dargon dances, walking on stilts, eating rice cakes, and of courese, setting off firecrackers.


Mandarin House Wishes You A Happy Spring Festival!



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