“热辣” (Rè Là)

Hot girl or hot temperature?

by Eric laoshi

凯文:   昨天  我 在 酒吧  认识 了一 个新 的  朋友。  她  非常  热。
Kǎiwén: Zuótiān wǒ zài jiǔba rènshi le yí ge xīn de péngyou. Tā fēicháng rè.
Kevin: I met a new friend at a bar yesterday. She was hot!

Xiǎo Méi: Jiǔba de kōngtiáo huài le ma?    
Xiao Mei: The air-conditioner at the bar didn't work?

凯文:    空调   很好。  为什么    你  说   空调?
Kǎiwén: Kōngtiáo hěn hǎo. wèi shénme nǐ shuō kōngtiáo?
Kevin: The air-conditioner worked. Why did you talk about the air-conditioner?

小梅:   哦, 我明白了。    我们  不 说  一个女孩子  很“热”。    我们  说“热辣”。
Xiǎo Méi: Ò , wǒ míngbai le. Wǒ men bù shuō yí ge nǚ háizi hěn “rè ”.Wǒ men shuō “rèlà”.
Xiao Mei: Oh, I see. We don't say a girl is "rè". We say"rèlà" for a "hot" girl.

凯文: “辣”就是“辣的菜”的”辣”?    
Kǎiwén: “Là” jiù shì “là de cài ”de ”là ”?
Kevin: "Là" is the same meaning as one in "spicy food"?

小梅:    没错。   你真聪明。
Xiǎo Méi: Méi cuò. Nǐ zhēn cōngming.    
Xiao Mei: Exactly. You are so smart.

凯文:   我也很酷。
Kǎiwén: Wǒ yě hěn kù.
Kevin: I'm also cool.

  1. 热          rè        adj.     hot (for temperature)
  2. 热辣      rèlà     adj.    hot (for people)    
  3. 酷          kù        adj.    cool(for people)

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