E-learning services with Mandarin House incorporates all of the necessary resource materials and teaching delivery through the official online portal.



The website MyMandarinHouse.com is made easy for navigation. You only need an email to register an account. After registering, students are offered a FREE TRIAL to see how classes are conducted online.



The online classes offer one-on-one or small group instructions. Students are able to choose from a group of certified Mandarin House authorized teachers. Simply select a teacher's profile and their available schedule with the course scheduler. Teachers are able to use a virtual white board and document sharing to display language examples, answers, and explanations on-screen.



Real life courses have been designed to help students master sentence structures and critical grammar points needed for daily communication with native Chinese speakers. HSK preparation online covers learning materials needed to build a student's knowledge before testing. Tailor made courses are geared towards personal needs in the language.



Mandarin House E-learning curriculum has the elements of formal classroom teaching now online. Making it convenient to study Mandarin anytime and anywhere.


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