Lion dance 舞狮


Lion dance (舞狮) can be observed as a masked dance performance. According to traditional Chinese belief, the lion signifies courage, stability and superiority. The lion’s dance is performed to chase away ghosts and evil spirits.

舞狮 twǔshī

Lion dancing is believed to have started during the Tang dynasty (618-906 AD). In the Tang dynasty, the lion dance was performed in a group of five lions of different colors.  Each lion was followed by twelve men dressed in colorful costumes, with  a red band round the forehead and a red colored brush in hand. These people were called 'Lion-men' and they danced in tempo to the musical pieces called 'Tai-pin' melody.

Lion dances take place during the first few days of the Chinese New Year. The dance of a Lion is preformed by two performers, one at the head of the lion, one at the tail of the lion.

There are various styles of lions and lion dances, though the biggest distinction is the Northern and the Southern. The Northern lion dance was used for entertaining the Imperial Court, the lions showed more of a lion’s flowing mane, the appearance similar of a fu lion, a pekinese dog. The Southern dance is more symbolic as mentioned above and preformed during Chinese New Year celebrations.the lion dance costumes are much more colorful. The costume does not cover the performers completely, it merely drapes over their bodies.

Now let`s see the Mandarin House 10th Anniversary Lion dance. Do you know it`s the Northern or the Southern Lion dance?


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