Is China in your future? Planning to land employment with a Chinese company? Thinking of starting a business in the PRC? If these questions are a precursor to future endeavors then you've probably considered learning Chinese as a primary goal to accomplish. However in the realm of business, simply using daily Mandarin wouldn't be sufficient, knowing business Mandarin should be considered as mandatory. Any company will want their staff to represent the company in the upmost professional manner. This applies to etiquette, dress code, work culture, and of course proper speech will be expected. While we're on this topic, let's break down some business Mandarin language examples to steer you towards more career-oriented language use.
Job Positions
Developer — Kāifāshāng — 开发商
Contractor — Chéngbāoshāng — 承包商
Accountant — Kuàijìshī — 会计师
Consultant — Gùwèn — 顾问
Manual worker — Gōngrén — 工人
Lawyer — Lǜshī — 律师
Editor — Biānjí — 编辑
Journalist — Jìzhě — 记者
Translator — Fānyì zhě — 翻译者
Free-lance — Zìyóuzhíyè — 自由职业
Shop assistant — Dǎogòu — 导购
Store manager — Diànzhǎng — 店长
Manager — Jīnglǐ — 经理
Government employee — Gōngwùyuán — 公务员
Mandarin for Work
Hire— Gùyòng— 雇用
This company will hire me.
Zhè jiā gōngsī huì gùyòng wǒ.
Office— Bàngōngshì — 办公室
I’m on my way to the office.
Wǒ zhèngzài qù bàngōngshì de lùshang.
Document— Wénjiàn — 文件
You must review this document.
Nín bìxū chákàn cǐ wénjiàn.
Presentation— Yǎnshì— 演示
Today, we have a presentation in office room B.
Jīntiān, wǒmen zài bàngōngshìB jìnxíngle yǎnshì.
Meeting— Huìyì— 会议
Don't be late to the meeting.
Huìyì qǐng búyào chídào .
Just like any growing business, investments should be made to give it more growth. Providing employees with language lessons to better perform their tasks in a Chinese environment would be a key investment for operations. Are you a company looking to sponsor employees in a Chinese Mandarin course? Are you an individual looking to improve your Chinese for work related matters? Contact us at Mandarin House for more information and course consulting. Allow us to assist in finding the suitable language course options that'll help your business career goals.