Mandarin House Spring Festival Gala Highlights


Mandarin House hosted its annual Spring Festival Gala Dinner on Monday, February 4th. We had 126 Chinese language program participants from over 20 countries. In addition to the traditional Chinese banquet dinner, guests enjoyed musical performances from our students, group games and lucky draw. Here are some photos of the highlights:

Chinese traditional instruments, the Dízi 笛子 and the Pípá 琵琶.

In this game, the first person is told a four-word Chinese idiom or 成语chéngyǔ. They must then act out each word without speaking. The last person must then guess the chéngyǔ out of 100+ possibilities.

Alex acting out 打“to hit or touch”, from the chéngyǔ 打草惊蛇dǎ cǎo jīng shé “touch the grass to surprise the snake”. Alex was voted as the most enthusiastic and entertaining performer!

If you want to learn more chéngyǔ, check out these articles!

一箭双雕 yí jiàn shuāng diāo “Kill two birds with one stone” 

画蛇添足 huà shé tiān zú  “Draw a snake and add feet”

一见钟情 yī jiàn zhōng qíng  “Love at first sight”

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