Announcement Regarding Avian Influenza (H7N9)
Dear Staff and Students:
As you have likely heard, Chinese authorities have confirmed a number of cases of a new strain of avian influenza (H7N9) in Shanghai and surrounding provinces. Infected people developed flu-like symptoms and pneumonia.
Here is what we know about the influenza virus at this point, according to information received from the World Health Organization (WHO):
- The infected people had direct contact with animals or an animal environment.
- No human-to-human transmission has been reported. Individuals in close contact with the infected people have been tested and have all been found negative.
- The number of cases identified so far in China is very low and WHO has not advised any restrictions regarding travel to China. The risk for international spread of the disease is considered low.
- Chinese authorities are monitoring and investigating this situation and have heightened disease surveillance.
- Influenza viruses are not transmitted through well-cooked food. It is safe to eat properly cooked meat from poultry and other sources.
The following precautions should be taken:
- Have all members of your family wash their hands frequently, especially before and after preparing food and eating, or using the bathroom. This is the single most important thing you can do to prevent the spread of disease.
- Cover nose and mouth when sneezing, and throw the used tissue into a closed container immediately after use.
- Avoid direct contact with live animals and surfaces in contact with animals, such as in a live market or farm.
- Please keep yourself home if you are sick.
More information can be found on the World Health Organization website.
Please be assured that Mandarin House takes this situation seriously and will be doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our school.